X39 Testimony from a parent who’s daughter is doing much better after starting X39

This sweet girl… she’s healing, finally! Praise Jesus. It’s not all a straight uninterrupted line, but it’s amazing & so beautiful to truly FEEL her present with me at times. 2017 was sooo hard on this family & took Sabrina backwards again. Enter PANS. Recurring Lyme infections. Non-responder. Anyone feel me?!

Her eyes are bright & sparkling today, the butterfly rash across her nose & cheeks (look up lupus rash) is much quieter. She’s holding my hand, asking me questions, preferring being with us (not in her room by herself) & softer. I’m celebrating this today!!!! Thank you, Lord, for answering prayers… Even if temporary, I celebrate! Life IS SOOOOOO SHORT! I asked her if I could take a picture of her green eyes & she said, “Of course”. She told me, “Mommy, you are pretty today.” when I put on my makeup. This girl! She’s 100% IN THERE! Lifewave X39 is helping our family! 💜💜💜 #SabiJo #Autism #ChronicLyme #PANS #greeneyegirl

Get your free trial by clicking here

LifeWave Aeon Testimony


The part of the nervous system responsible for control of the bodily functions not consciously directed, such as breathing, the heartbeat, and digestive processes.

One part of the Autonomic Nervous System is called The parasympathetic nervous system (PNS).

This is also sometimes called the rest and digest system.

The parasympathetic system conserves energy as it slows the heart rate, increases intestinal and gland activity, and relaxes sphincter muscles in the gastrointestinal tract.


The parasympathetic nervous system releases the hormone acetylcholine to slow the heart rate.

Such factors as stress, caffeine, and excitement may temporarily accelerate your heart rate, while meditating or taking slow, deep breaths may help to slow your heart rate.

The parasympathetic nervous system controls processes in the body such as digestion, repair and relaxation.

Though Hippocrates was incorrect in suggesting that all disease begins in your gut, evidence shows that many chronic metabolic diseases do. Your gut bacteria and the integrity of your gut lining strongly affect your health.

Millions of people are spending money on probiotics for improved gut health. They keep doing this but most often see no real benefit that can be measured in return.

AEON starts working immediately and most will see and feel benefits in as little as minutes. Specifically those that are dealing with pain love how “cool” this patch works out to be

But if it did take longer for you then keep going for a solid 4 weeks. (ideal night time patch)

Allow yourself some time to rejuvenate especially when you want to handle some major malfunction.

We now have a up to 90 days money back performance guarantee.

There is no rational reason not to take advantage of this deal and give AEON and for that matter all our patches a proper trial.

It is for good reason that the LifeWave AEON patch is our second most popular patch.

Thankfully those that use the AEON patch regularly value it highly and consider this technology cheap.

By addressing such things as stress and gut performance is AEON quietly and diligently not just turning back your biological clock to a younger age but at the same time is also working hard in the area of prevention.

As a matter of fact AEON is changing the quality and length of your future.

I wear X39 days and Aeon Nights.


The first study on X39 elevating GHK and GHK-Cu has now been published:

International Journal of Healing and Caring


Click to access Connor%20M%20%2020-2F.pdf

Click to access Connor%20C-20-2FP.pdf

There are a number of published studies which show how GHK-Cu improves stem cell mobilization as well as conversion of the stem cells in the skin to pluripotent stem cells.  I have a full reference list on this but here are two as an example.



Get started today on X39 ~ Click Here ~

Or Call Kathy @ 209-652-2257

Another Super-Bowl Sunday comes and goes..

The morning of February 5, 2006 my team the Seattle Seahawks were preparing for their very first Super Bowl Sunday game as I prepared for my first hosting of my teams visit to the big games by throwing a party at my home.

Before the game could even start, as I hurried around preparing for the Big Day my phone rings. My Dad calls to say “Good Luck Today” “I’ll be routing for your Seahawks” we chatted and I said, got to go Dad. Still lots to do. Less then a hour after I hung up the phone, the phone rings again and the words uttered at the other end of that line dropped me to my knees. My dad was found dead when they went looking for him because he didn’t return from a walk he ventured out on with his dog.

As people showed for the party my husband shared the news and people graciously left as I sat by myself in tears for the better part of the day. Several

Super Bowls past before I even watched again as it was a reminder of all I put off that now could never transpire.

The one day I realized if it weren’t for the Seahawks making it to the Big Game on that very day, I wouldn’t even have had the opportunity to share the conversation we had that Morning. So looking at the glass half full, I was blessed to at least have that.

So I’m back to watching the big game but it’s still a reminder of all that was lost. A reminder that tomorrow is not promised. That putting off until tomorrow what should be done today is a risk that sometimes can’t be undone.

If you were here today Dad, I’d call you to say, Rhonda is better today then I’ve heard her be ever in my adult life. I know you always worried that she’d never find a path to some sort of wellness.

I’d call to say I love you, just because..

So if you love someone make sure you let them know. If you need to be someplace, get there.. because putting it off could very well mean it will never happen.

No Matter How Slow You Go…

As the saying goes.. No Matter how slow you go you are still lapping everyone on the couch..

As a Network Marketer there is no particular boss to say that you have not met your goal.. You are a entrepreneur and that means it is up to you and the only recourse you will have by not meeting a goal you might have set is what you put yourself through.. What I have seen happen the most is a person will join the team.. have amazing and possibly exhausting unreachable goals, time rolls around and they find themselves in a position of facing what they perceive as failure.. Wake up people.. there is no failure unless you quit… Doing a business that involves direct sales has no correct speed… Now keeping that is mind, those who go faster and do so by following the system that the company that they are with will undoubtedly find the most amount of success the fastest… Now that being said, not everyone is going to have the ability to “run like a race horse” and that is ok… Do what you can at a pace that let’s you stay in control.. Here at Visalus we have people running to Ambassador or as I like to say it beings I am a Race fan, 0-60 in 4 seconds flat… but you know what.. it doesn’t impress me… What impress and excites me is when the Ashleigh’s of the world after more then a year in the business really get in touch with their why and begin to Run, When the a couple whom has been with Visalus for more then 5 years hits the rank of Ambassador, or actually 1 Star Ambassador because that showed me they were not quitters.. There is now speed that is to slow… Just don’t quite and set small goals that you will know you can complete.. Make 3 phone calls a day to give out your website.. This is not hard and something everyone can do.. Stay plugged in and go to the trainings.. Everyone needs training… Get out there and make it happen.. Even if it is a little bit at a time.. ❤

“Wrapping Up” the lose ends to enjoy the Start of the New Year….

I say “wrapping up” as I am sure some of you are still trying to get yourself out from under all that used up wrapping paper and rid yourself of the proof of chaos… The Christmas Joy has come and Gone and we approach the New Year… For me my kids are older so Christmas Day was one of Quiet, relaxing and movie day with the teens… I got up and showered, put my new Christmas Robe back on and stayed in it all day… it was heavenly…
I will be finishing up a few Real Estate closings today as Yesterday the Title Companies were closed and then I am packing up my kids and we are heading to our favorite place… Pismo… So many people ask ” How do you guys get away like you do…Well it is simple… We have time freedom, We are our own boss and we don’t have to ask for permission to get time off and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I have been self employed and so has my husband for many years… I am a Real Estate Broker and he is a Contractor… And yes if you are thinking this economy sucks for that demographic of work your are so correct, but for us we started our Network Marketing business less than a year ago and it has taken our lives completely in a different direction and we come into 2012 with a hole new outlook on where we are going… I will always to Real Estate as it is my passion, But finding my Networking business and building my awesome team i know that I am where the Good Lord Meant me to be… So if you are in teh same position I was and you are looking for even just a little bit more out of 2012, Sign up just to the left and let me help you make that dream in 2012 come true…

Be blessed and have a great New Year… Also look me up on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/brokerlady