X39 Testimony from a parent who’s daughter is doing much better after starting X39

This sweet girl… she’s healing, finally! Praise Jesus. It’s not all a straight uninterrupted line, but it’s amazing & so beautiful to truly FEEL her present with me at times. 2017 was sooo hard on this family & took Sabrina backwards again. Enter PANS. Recurring Lyme infections. Non-responder. Anyone feel me?!

Her eyes are bright & sparkling today, the butterfly rash across her nose & cheeks (look up lupus rash) is much quieter. She’s holding my hand, asking me questions, preferring being with us (not in her room by herself) & softer. I’m celebrating this today!!!! Thank you, Lord, for answering prayers… Even if temporary, I celebrate! Life IS SOOOOOO SHORT! I asked her if I could take a picture of her green eyes & she said, “Of course”. She told me, “Mommy, you are pretty today.” when I put on my makeup. This girl! She’s 100% IN THERE! Lifewave X39 is helping our family! 💜💜💜 #SabiJo #Autism #ChronicLyme #PANS #greeneyegirl

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Fierce and True.. No Excuses!

Hi Everyone,  I woke up this morning and this was on my mind. So I wanted to share. 

After joining My company and creating my team in LifeWave last week of July, 2019 I was pulled to make it a more full time “gig” because of my passion for the product is why I thought I was pulled to make it happen.. 8 months in, Covid_19 happened wiping out 3 out of 4 incomes in my household. My Network Marketing business was all we had. I look back now and because of my Faith in my Heavenly Father, I believe he sent me a message to get busy to protect my family. If you’re on the fence about Network Marketing as a valid side gig,  I can’t stress enough that you need to get started. In conventional business’ and “jobs” the future is unknown in ways none of us has ever seen and it’s imperative you take your Side gigs to all new levels and if you don’t have one yet you need to find that force to create urgency within yourself and find it.❤️ My drive was so intense this time, I ran to the very top rank in my company in 18 weeks. I’m a real estate broker by trade. I didn’t bring in a existing team, I was not slotted. I was not paid. I came in for with a fierce passion for an incredible technology and went to work.  I don’t even have a shared leg with the up-line I joined. I became the power leg to my up-line within days.

eZy Watermark_18-05-2020_10-35-05AMMy point is there is no excuses! Find a company you can be passionate about and go to work!  Network Marketing is the only avenue where you can secure your financial future with very little investment. Your success depends on your efforts and those efforts don’t cost you a dime. They will need your investment of time but right now more people than ever before seriously have time to make it happen. I challenge each and everyone of you starting today to make a promise to yourself to come out of Covid_19 better then you came in, spiritually and financially. 


I’m sharing with you my Social Media Strategies Video to help you build online

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Growing up Broken..

There has just been a few times in my life I’ve opened up publicly about all I’ve been through. All I’ve walked away from and all I’ve turned my back on. I never look back or use the past as a crutch. I always keep moving forward. I don’t dwell on all I’ve been though even though at times I have to push it back down when the pain from the past starts to creep out of my inner soul.

Sometimes there seems to be no reason for the memories that cause the anxiety to shows it’s painful way to the surface and other times people whom chose to not put the abusive and violent ways behind them try to come at you and in some ways as if to try to guilt me into their failures or lack of strength to walk away like I did. They treat me like I was given a “break” to make it out of the viscous cycle I was born into.

The only break I got was a broken back.. literally.. No one handed me anything, not even a reached out hand.. I made the choice to find the path that took me out of that past I have worked so hard to put behind me.When I think about it though I have to give credit to one event. A event that shaped the beginning of the process of me changing and choosing a different path. It was the Day I saw Jesus. I know. You think I’m crazy. It was a day Like so many others.. fighting, yelling, beating in a trailer we lived in that was 10 ft wide maybe. The bedrooms very small. A twin bed along one wall that took up almost the entire width of the room, but there was just enough for my little body at 11 years old to fit between the wall and the end of the bed. I hid there repeating to myself ” I don’t want this life. God please help me” I remember saying it over and over and then I heard a mans voice speaking softly but firmly “This is not the life you have to have” I heard him say “I will always be by your side if you always hear me I will Lead you out” looking up from the corner of the floor where I was hiding, towards the door, I saw a light in the shape of a man.. I remember sitting there and a peaceful calm came over me. It was from that moment I knew to listen intently and I will find my way out. And that has been what I have done. For nearly 42 years now that’s been my roadmap. I talk to him daily and many times I get caught. People say, are you talking to yourself and I just say yes. But I know I’m talking to him. And I know he listens.

Years can go by and all is good and then something comes up that brings it all back.

Then I’m trapped in this spiral of feelings .. yes it’s family, but it’s family that if I stayed anywhere near them, their addictions, abusive behaviors and unlawful activities would have drug me down with them. Multiple prison terms for many of them, years and years and years of drug abuse and drug trafficking, prostitution for some has caught up to them. One in the Hospital tetoring at deaths door, another one homeless but still choosing to use and abuse .. and somehow it comes back to me as “My Fault” or “My Responsibility” to make life better for them, yet never, not once did they ever set out to make a better life for themselves.

What I needed today as I woke up to this was the day God provided for me. A day with what I know is most important. A day that is hard to make happen as my kids are adults. But today out of know where it came together and it was so needed. A reminder to me why I took the path I took. The path that led me to a loving husband and two beautiful kids that love their family. Kids that unlike me never saw the ugliness I saw as a child.

I stopped the cycle of abuse. I broke the odds. Today was a reminder to me that I did the right thing. And I’m not done. God put me on this path of strong and virtuous life to change this World where I can and I know I’m not done.

Tonight I’ll go to bed thankful for today and prayful for tomorrow. To know what direction or path to take as one life could be coming to a end. I pray that somehow God has been on the same path with them too.

If your out there and you think you want to break the cycle of abuse. Please trust God and find your strength to do it for you and for those you can bring into this world because you did.

My Journey

Its come to my attention that people who claim to know me are saying things they know nothing about so to set the record straight this is My Journey.. Jan 2015 I joined weight watchers because I needed to be healthier..I also made the decision to quite drinking.. I started a 1200 calorie a day regimen.. eliminated alcohol and went gluten-free.. By Sept 2015 I was 70 lbs lighter.. at my Dr’s request I went to speak to a bariatric surgeon and she suggested I get a VSG procedure (Vertical Sleave Gastrectomy) and I actually said no.. I’m doing fine.. She educated me on where the stomach hormone is created and how when you have a stretched out stomach from being a chronic over eater creates more of the hunger hormone then a successful diet and regimen withstands and that all a VSG does is correct the size of a overeaters stomach to that of a non over eater, and one that will fit my new habits.. She actually gave me this analogy and I will share it with you.. If you were to injure your knee and stretch the tendons you would let a surgeon get inside that knee and repair it so the injury could heal? I said of course I would, She said “Why wont you let me repair what the years of overeating did to your stomach? Sept 21 a mere 3 weeks later because I had already proved to her that my life style change was in fact permanent, I had a VSG procedure.. Humbly I will say I am 17 lbs heavier than my lowest weight.. Why, because it is a constant battle to stay the course of healthier eating.. I still don’t drink and wont drink because of the lives I have seen destroyed and Because of the judgement I have endured although I don’t judge.. You want to drink, go for it.. I don’t.. I love life and spend time with those that love life and human spirit as much as I do.. you can post your comments, you can attempt to disparage me all you want because I know what I know.. and I know for a fact you don’t.. I have never hid the fact that I made the choice to have the VSG..

On the weight loss side if anyone out there thinks that no matter how you change your life for the better, even for those that chose a procedure, that is their journey and for those that have never walked it let me tell you this.. I am in support groups for weight loss.. it’s a journey and no matter what journey you are on, its hard.. bypass, VSG, band.. not one of these paths is taking the easy path.. Many, Many people on this journey fail.. Weight comes back.. I am here to pick any of you up and help you reach the top.. Shame on anyone that wants to disparage one because they have chosen a path you don’t like.. or maybe one that you dont have the courage to accomplish..

The struggle is real.. I’ve lived it.. In fact I am still living it.. I’m a overeater.. I’m an emotional eater, but even the likes of people who hate wont take me off my path.. They are not worth it.. I am more valuable than that..

Big Hugs to all that are on this journey.. Together we can all make it to goal.. One day ❤




So Many Need This one prayer.. Prayer for a New Job…

As I go through my day multi-tasking to get things done.. Although I am self-employed and not really where I thought I would be by this time in my life I do feel humbled that I have the opportunities that I have.. I come in contact with people every day that need more in their lives.. For me I have not been the one to wait on a job, I create my “job” but not everyone has that will or desire to do just that.. And that is OK , I do hate to hear and see fear in their voice and as a part of their expression but all I can do is Pray..  Below are a collection of prayers that I have come a crossed and I hope having them in one spot here will bless someone with just a little more strength to better their day ❤



Ecclesiastes 7:14

Our most gracious and loving Father,You have most lovingly and graciously said that You have loved us with and everlasting love. We acknowledge, Lord, that Your love for us is deeper that the ocean and bigger than the biggest need in our heart. Father, all my longings lie open before You and my sighing is not hidden from You. I commit myself as well as the need for a new job into Your most precious and loving hands.Lord God, fulfill the desire of my heart and bless the work of my hands. The Bible says, “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him.” I am completely trusting in Your merit and Your faithfulness this hour. I am certain that You can make a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. You can open a way where there seems to be no way. O Lord, as I go through the selection procedures, let Your mighty uplifted hand rest upon me and grant me Your supernatural grace and mercies in the eyes of all the concerned officials. Please perfect everything that concerns me.Father, my ways are not Your ways, neither are my thoughts Your thoughts. Your ways and Your thoughts are higher than the heavens above. Let Your perfect will be done in this matter. Put Your words into my mouth for the interviews and grant me Your wisdom and knowledge. Let Your mighty presence go before me.I render thanks and praises to You alone, Master, because I believe that You have already performed a miracle in my life.Amen.

Pray that they will see opportunity when it approaches.. When it is right for them.. Praying for a sense of normal to come back to this economy before they all forget what normal felt like…

Prayer for Rising Above Fear ~

Dear Lord, please ease our hearts in this world of uncertainty,
As we balance that which we desire with our true need,
As we look for higher values in the midst of material loss,
As we remember the wealth and abundance born of your creation,
And know that as you move us from fear to love,
We will be enriched with the treasures of spirit and peace. Amen
– Rev. Victor Fuhrman

Prayer for Employment ~

Heavenly father, please sustain my spirit as I search for new and meaningful work.You have blessed me with a healthy body and a keen mind for which I am grateful. I ask that you open my path as I seek employment that will allow me to support my family and myself while serving others and your divine purpose.

In gratitude and grace, Amen.

– Rev. Victor Fuhrman

Prayer for Strength and Faith ~ 

Dear Lord,

In these troubling times,
I am filled with unspeakable fears.
I reach my hand out to you now.
I ask you to walk beside me.
Please help me hold on strong,
During these storms.
And help me hold my hopes high,
Even in the darkest hour.

– Rev. Laurie Sue Brockway

Prayer for Prosperity ~ 

Dear God, source of Love and Life who brings abundance to all,
Please bring prosperity to me and my family now.
We ask that these basic needs be filled:
Money to pay our bills,
Income to meet our mortgage (rent),
Enough to feed us healthy food,
And more than enough for health care and wellness.
Beyond the material needs, please uplift our souls.
Inspire our creativity and resourcefulness.
Guide us in improving our lives.
Please help us to hold on to faith
And let us find peace. Amen.

– Rev. Laurie Sue Brockway

Prayer for Financial Healing ~ 

From the deep reaches of my heart and soul,
To the highest love in heaven,
I pray for a healing of my financial situation.

I reach a hand to the abundance of the universe,
And pray that I learn to transform my fear into possibility.
Let me open to all the good that exists in this world.

I lift my head up to the sun
And pray that I am inspired to turn darkness into light.
Let me raise myself up beyond my problems.

I look toward the future and what-could-be
And pray that I can believe in myself and my abilities.
Let me know in my heart that I have great strength.

I honor the place of fear that has gripped me,
But I pray that I do not let it own me.
Let me do what I can to bring peace to my financial situation,
And trust that this too will pass.

– Rev. Laurie Sue Brockway

Blessing to Crisis-Proof Your Relationship ~

May this relationship be blessed.

In times of financial strife,
it is easy to blame your partner
for what is wrong in your life.
Always look deeper for the truth.

May this relationship survive tests.
When things go wrong, It is a chance to show
That you can weather even the harshest storms–together.
Always see your love as bigger than your problems.

May this relationship bring you strength.
When money is tight, you may feel weakened.
Instead, come closer together to solve your problems.
Always focus on the creating the life you want to share.

May this relationship be your safe harbor
There are plenty of things in the world to pull you apart.
Stay strong, two against the world.
Lean into each other and hold on.
Let your relationship be your foundation and your support.


– Rev. Laurie Sue Brockway

Parents’ Prayer of Protection ~

Dear God, Please bless my children.

For this I pray:
May they thrive in any economy.
May they be safe and protected.
May they be healthy and happy.
May they be uplifted by love.
May they be strengthened by opportunity.
May their days be filled with fun and play.
May all their needs be met—always.
May there be food, clothing, shelter, and comfort.
And may their souls be nurtured no matter the state of our world.
Please bless my children in all ways.

– Rev. Laurie Sue Brockway

Wholeness Blessing – We Are Not Broken ~

We walk in troubled times,
But let us not be troubled souls.

We stand in financial challenge,
But let us not see our lives only in crisis.

We have suffered loss, pain, and indignities.
But we have survived, and we will survive.

We have been hurt and we may be broke,
But we are not broken.


– Rev. Laurie Sue Brockway

Dear God, I Need Cash ~

For this I pray:

Not asking for a million bucks
Or money showing up in trucks
Just need some cash to pay my bills
And financial flow to cure my ills
Not seeking huge amounts
Just enough to make it count
To take care of a basic human need
And take care of those mouths to feed
I know that times are rough
But I want to stand tough
I just need some cash to keep on going
So please God, keep the money flowing.


– Rev. Laurie Sue Brockway

Prosperity Prayer for All People ~

Dear God, please bring prosperity to all people
and bring healing to those who have been hurt by the economic crisis.
We ask that these basic needs be filled for all people:
Money to pay our bills,
Income to meet our mortgages (rent),
Enough cash to provide proper nutrition and healthy food,
And more than enough for health care and wellness.
Please help us to provide for our families.
Beyond the material needs, please uplift our souls.
Inspire our creativity and resourcefulness.
Guide us in improving our lives.
Help us restore balance to our economy.
Point us toward a brighter tomorrow.
Please help us to hold on to faith.
And let us find peace. Amen.

–Rev. Laurie Sue Brockway

Prayer for Strength of Faith During Difficult Times ~

Father, this world sometimes bewilders me and is beyond my understanding. I see poverty and disease, storms and earthquakes, war and killing. Many hearts are bound by ego and fear. Please strengthen my faith in your higher purpose and open my mind to the truth that everything is unfolding according to your divine plan. Let compassion and love for my brothers and sisters flow from me and may we all be uplifted by your glory. AMEN.

Prayer for Strength and Self image ~

Lord, sometimes when I look in the mirror I’m not too happy with what I see. Please let me see me the way you made me, beautiful and perfect just as I am. Help me to hold this image in my mind and heart as I follow my life’s path. Allow others to witness your light shining through me as I walk with confidence, grace and a smile on my face. Amen.

 Motivational Quotes ~

“When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on. ”
-Franklin D. Roosevelt

“When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you, till it seems as though you could not hang on a minute longer, never give up then, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn.”
-Harriet Beecher Stowe

“The world is round and the place which may seem like the end may also be only the beginning.”
-Ivy Baker Priest

“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.”
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

               “Most of us, swimming against the tides of trouble the world knows nothing about, need only a bit of praise or encouragement – and we will make the goal.”- Jerome Fleishman

“If one dream should fall and break into a thousand pieces, never be afraid to pick one of those pieces up and begin again.”
-Flavia Weedn

“Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.”
-M. Kathleen Casey

“A bend in the road is not the end of the road…unless you fail to make the turn.”
-Author Unknown

“We acquire the strength we have overcome.”
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

If you know someone with struggles.. pick of the phone and offer them some words of encouragement.. Offer them a prayer..It’s free ❤ You have Nothing to Lose, but a little time ❤

Always Be Blessed,


RIP ~ Zig Ziglar  1926 – 2012